See how easy it is to install TABCO rust repair parts. Follow this step-by-step description of an actual side panel installation.
Step 1

Use your TABCO side panel as a template.
Step 2

Mark the damaged portion of the body that needs to be cut out.
Step 3

Then, cut away the body panel with a nibbler.
Step 4

Take a body grinder to locate spot welds.
Step 5

Then remove spot welds with a drill.
Step 6

Use a body grinder to grind 4 inches beyond the cut.
Step 7

To flange the metal, creating an overlapping joint, use a joggle or crimper to recess the metal (approximately 1/2 inch wide).
Step 8

Now you can put your TABCO side panel in place. Insert removable fasteners or small sheetmetal screws to hold the side panel in position. Before you weld panel, remove galvaneal coating within two inches of the area to be welded.
Step 9

To limit warpage, stitchweld in 1 or 1 1/2 inch welds, 6 to 8 inches apart.
Step 10

To limit warpage, stitchweld in 1 or 1 1/2 inch welds, 6 to 8 inches apart.